#native_company# #native_desc#

Project Setup

In this lecture we will go through the steps of setting up our project and initializing it to run on your localhost. So lets get started!


  • Latest stable version of Node

  • NPM package manager

Cloning the Project

Step 1: Clone the angularjs-migration project to an accessible location in your local computer using the following command:

git clone https://github.com/jawache/angularjs-migration.git

Step 2: Navigate into the angularjs-migration workspace and verify the cloned repository has the following set of files and folders:

cd angularjs-migration
ls -alt

Step 3: Once the verification is successful, open the project in your favorite editor and you are good to go!


Now lets sort out the project dependencies. Open a terminal, navigate into the angularjs-migration project folder, and follow the steps shown below:

Step 1: To install the npm dependencies from the package.json file:

npm install

Step 2: To install all required bower modules for the project, run the setup script specified in the package.json file like so:

npm run setup

Setting up the Server

Our application requires a back-end to serve its data. We will be using a tool called json-server which will simulate a backend REST service using the JSON file located within the data folder of our cloned project.

Step 1: To set up the server:

npm run server

Step 2: Verify the server is up by visiting the following URL from your browser:


If you see a JSON object containing contact information in your browser, all is well and your server is up and running on port 3000!


If you are on Windows and using the DOS shell, the server command in the package.json file has to be changed to the following:

"server": "copy .\\data\\orig-db.json .\\data\\db.json && json-server --watch .\\data\\db.json"

Initializing your Application

Open a new terminal at the root of the cloned project and type in the following command:

npm start

The contacts application should now be running on port 5000 of your local machine, accessible via the following URL:


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