#native_company# #native_desc#

Single Responsibility


The source code for this course can be found on GitHub. Each step has it’s own branch, instructions for how to checkout the correct code for each step are in the Project Setup lecture.

Single Responsibility

In this lecture we will discuss the Single Responsibility rule for Angular applications and see how we can implement the same in our contacts application.

The Angular Style Guide

The Angular 1 Style Guide is an opinionated style guide for syntax, conventions and structuring of Angular applications.

The style guide consists of an extensive list of best practices and conventions for application development. You can implement as many or as little of this as you want; Our focus will be on understanding the Single Responsibility rule and how it can be implemented into our application.

What is Single Responsibility?

The Single Responsibility rule defines one component per file where each file is recommended to be less than 400 lines of code. This promotes,

  • Easier unit testing and mocking

  • Code readability and easier maintenance

  • Less bugs that often arise when combining components in a file where they may share variables, create unwanted closures, or unwanted coupling with dependencies.

An Example

Lets take a look at the controller.js file in our contacts application and see how we can apply the Single Responsibility rule to break it down into separate component files.

Listing 1. controller.js
  .controller("PersonCreateController", function(
  ) {
    $scope.contacts = ContactService;
    $scope.person = {};

    $scope.save = function() {
      $scope.contacts.createContact($scope.person).then(function() {
  .controller("PersonEditController", function(
  ) {
    $scope.contacts = ContactService;
    $scope.person = $scope.contacts.getPerson($stateParams.email);

    $scope.save = function() {
      $scope.contacts.updateContact($scope.person).then(function() {

    $scope.remove = function() {
      $scope.contacts.removeContact($scope.person).then(function() {
  .controller("PersonListController", function($scope, ContactService) {
    $scope.contacts = ContactService;
  .controller("SearchController", function($scope, ContactService) {
    $scope.contacts = ContactService;

    $scope.loadMore = function() {

As you can see, the controller.js file contains 4 separate controllers in the same file. This violates the single responsibility rule. To fix this, we need to move each of these controllers into separate files.

Applying the Single Responsibility Rule

  • Step 1: Create a folder called controllers inside the app folder.

  • Step 2: Create a file named person-create.controller.js inside the controllers folder.

  • Step 3: Move the PersonCreateController code block from the controllers.js file to the newly created person-create-controller.js file.

Listing 2. person-create.controller.js
  .controller("PersonCreateController", function(
  ) {
    $scope.contacts = ContactService;
    $scope.person = {};

    $scope.save = function() {
      $scope.contacts.createContact($scope.person).then(function() {
  • Step 4: Repeat the same procedure for the remaining 3 controllers so that we have 4 separate controller files for each controller. Your controllers folder should look similar to Figure 1.

11 img 001
Figure 1. Re-factored controllers folder
  • Step 5: Go to the index.html file and replace the following code:

<script src="app/controllers.js"></script>


<script src="app/controllers/person-create.controller.js"></script>
<script src="app/controllers/person-list.controller.js"></script>
<script src="app/controllers/person-edit.controller.js"></script>
<script src="app/controllers/search.controller.js"></script>

to import the newly added controller files in to the application.

  • Step 6: Re-build your application and visit it on http://localhost:5000 to make sure everything works as expected.


Follow the same procedure to breakdown the directives, filters and services into individual component files. Once you are done, check your code against the step-2 branch for verification! Your file directory should look similar to Figure 2:

11 img 002
Figure 2. Re-factored component file structure

In summary…

  • The Angular Style Guide consists of an extensive list of best practices and conventions for application development.

  • The first rule of the style guide is the Single Responsibility rule which defines one component per file.

  • Benefits of following the single responsibility rule ranges from easier unit testing and mocking to better code readability and maintenance.

  • All of this contributes towards a much, much easier process of migration!

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