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Upgrade Toaster Module


The source code for this course can be found on GitHub. Each step has it’s own branch, instructions for how to checkout the correct code for each step are in the Project Setup lecture.

Upgrade Toaster Module

During the migration of the ContactService entity from AngularJS to Angular, we made the decision to ignore the toaster module and handle its migration separately. In this lecture we are going to figure out how to add this back in to our application. So lets get started!

The problem of third-party modules

One of the most common issues faced during the migration from AngularJS to Angular, is the conversion of third-party AngularJS modules. In my opinion, there are three options to handle this problem:

  1. Re-write — Rewrite your AngularJS module in Angular. More often than not, rewriting a module can be a lot simpler than you think!

  2. Find an Angular version — Angular has been around for awhile now. It is likely that your third-party library already has an Angular port out there.

  3. Upgrade temporarily — Although in this course we have decided to always downgrade entities to maintain compatibility, there is also the option to upgrade our AngularJS components. We can do this temporarily to our third party modules until all its dependent components are converted to Angular. (In which case we can look at option 1 or 2 to replace the module with an Angular equivalent)

To demonstrate option 3, consider our application state at this point:

29 img 003
Figure 1. Contacts application component diagram

We have a pure Angular Resource entity and a downgraded Service entity that is still being used by AngularJS components. However, what we could have also done is keep the Resource entity in AngularJS and upgrade it to maintain compatibility like so:

30 img 001
Figure 2. Contacts application component diagram

This will allow our Resource entity (still in AngularJS) to work inside Angular!

Upgrading the Toaster module

Lets go ahead and create a file called ajs-upgraded-providers.ts in our src/app directory with the following code:


The ajs-upgraded-providers.ts file will hold all our provider definitions used to upgrade AngularJS services
import {InjectionToken} from "@angular/core";

export const Toaster = new InjectionToken("Toaster");

export function toasterServiceFactory(i: any) {
  return i.get('toaster');

export const toasterServiceProvider = {
  provide: Toaster,
  useFactory: toasterServiceFactory,
  deps: ['$injector']

The purpose of the above code is to make our AngularJS toaster service available to our modern Angular Dependency Injection Framework.

1 The InjectionToken creates a token that can be used in a DI provider. More information on this can be found in my Angular Course.
2 The toasterServiceFactory returns the AngularJS toaster service from the AngularJS Injection Framework.
3 The configuration object specifies what to return for the Toaster token. This will call the specified factory function in useFactory using the $injector dependency.

Finally, to use this in our application, update the ngModule providers array like so:

  imports: [
  providers: [

This completes the upgrade of our AngularJS toaster module and makes it available to both AngularJS and Angular components within our application.

Re-adding the toaster module to the Contact Service

We can now re-add the toaster module to our contact.service.ts entity.

Import the Toaster module from our ajs-providers.ts and inject it to our ContactService class like so:

import { Toaster } from "../ajs-upgraded-providers";
export class ContactService {
  constructor(@Inject(Contact) private contact: Contact,
                @Inject(Toaster) private toaster) {


Remember to uncomment the previously commented usages of the the toaster variable to ensure that everything works as expected.

To verify the toaster is back in action, re-build and test the functionality of the application. If you run into any snags, just compare your code against the step-8 branch of the angularjs-migration repository, which contains the completed code for this step.

Caught a mistake or want to contribute to the book? Edit this page on GitHub!

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