#native_company# #native_desc#


By this point you should be able to create your own custom component as well as use a set of built-in Angular directives.

Now it’s time to learn how to build your own custom directives.

But you might be surprised to hear that you’ve already created a custom directive. That’s because Components are Directives.

Components have all the features of Directives but also have a view, that is to say they have a template and some HTML that is injected into the DOM when we use it.

Another difference is that a single HTML element can only have a single component associated with it. However a single element can have multiple directives associated with it.

Let’s continue with our joke example app and create a directive which shows the punchline of the joke when the user hovers over the card.

In this section you will learn:

  • How to create custom directives using the @Directive decorator.

  • How directives can both listen to events and change properties of the host element they are associated with.

  • How we can configure a directive so that it can take inputs when it’s defined on an element, like [aDirective]={config:'value'}

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