#native_company# #native_desc#


Learning Objectives

  • Know how we can configure injectors with providers.

  • Know the four different types of dependencies we can configure providers to provide.


As mentioned in the previous lecture we can configure injectors with providers and a provider links a token to a dependency.

But so far we seem to be configuring our injector with just a list of classes, like so:

Copylet injector = ReflectiveInjector.resolveAndCreate([

The above code is in fact a shortcut for:

Copylet injector = ReflectiveInjector.resolveAndCreate([
  { provide: MandrillService, useClass: MandrillService },
  { provide: SendGridService, useClass: SendGridService },

The real configuration for a provider is an object which describes a token and configuration for how to create the associated dependency.

The provide property is the token and can either be a type, a string or an instance of something called an InjectionToken.

The other properties of the provider configuration object depend on the kind of dependency we are configuring, since we are configuring classes in this instance we the useClass property.


If all we want to do is providing classes, it’s such a common pattern that Angular lets you define a list of class names as the providers.

Switching Dependencies

The above is an excellent example of how we can use the DI framework to architect our application for ease of re-use, ease of testing and less brittle code.

If we wanted to re-use our application and move from Mandrill to SendGrid without using DI we would have to search through all the code for where we have requested MandrillService to be injected and replace with SendGridService.

A better solution is to configure the DI framework to return either MandrillService or SendGridService depending on the context, like so:

Copyimport { ReflectiveInjector } from '@angular/core';

class MandrillService {};
class SendGridService {};

let injector = ReflectiveInjector.resolveAndCreate([
  { provide: "EmailService", useClass: MandrillService }  (1)

let emailService = injector.get("EmailService");
console.log(emailService); // new MandrillService()
1 The token is "EmailService" and the dependency is the class MandrillService

The above is configured so when code requests the token "EmailService" it returns an instance of the class MandrillService.

To switch to using the SendGridService throughout our application we can just configure our injector with a different provider, like so:

Copylet injector = ReflectiveInjector.resolveAndCreate([
  { provide: "EmailService", useClass: SendGridService } (1)
1 The token is "EmailService" and the dependency is the class SendGridService

Now the DI framework just returns instances of SendGridService whenever the token "EmailService" is requested.

Provider Configurations

So far we’ve only seen how we can configure a provider to provide classes, however, there are four types of dependencies providers can provide in Angular.


We can have a provider which maps a token to a class, like so:

Copylet injector = ReflectiveInjector.resolveAndCreate([
  { provide: Car, useClass: Car },

The above is so common that there is a shortcut, if all we want to provide is a class we can simply pass in the class name, like so:

Copylet injector = ReflectiveInjector.resolveAndCreate([Car]);


We can make two tokens map to the same thing via aliases, like so:

Copyimport { ReflectiveInjector } from '@angular/core';

class MandrillService {};
class SendGridService {};
class GenericEmailService {};

let injector = ReflectiveInjector.resolveAndCreate([
  { provide: GenericEmailService, useClass: GenericEmailService }, (1)
  { provide: MandrillService, useExisting: GenericEmailService }, (2)
  { provide: SendGridService, useExisting: GenericEmailService } (3)

let emailService1 = injector.get(SendGridService); (4)
console.log(emailService1); // GenericEmailService {}
let emailService2 = injector.get(MandrillService); (4)
console.log(emailService2); // GenericEmailService {}
let emailService3 = injector.get(GenericEmailService); (4)
console.log(emailService3); // GenericEmailService {}
console.log(emailService1 === emailService2 && emailService2 === emailService3); // true (5)
1 The token GenericEmailService resolves to an instance of GenericEmailService.
2 This provider maps the token MandrillService to whatever the existing GenericEmailService provider points to.
3 This provider maps the token SendGridService to whatever the existing GenericEmailService provider points to.
4 Requesting a resolve of SendGridService, MandrillService or GenericEmailService return an instance of GenericEmailService.
5 All three instances of GenericEmailService returned are the same instance.

Whenever anyone requests MandrillService or SendGridService we return an instance of GenericEmailService instead.


We can also provide a simple value, like so:

Copyimport { ReflectiveInjector } from '@angular/core';

let injector = ReflectiveInjector.resolveAndCreate([
  { provide: "APIKey", useValue: 'XYZ1234ABC' }

let apiKey = injector.get("APIKey");
console.log(apiKey); // "XYZ1234ABC"

Or if we wanted to pass in an object we can, like so:

Copyimport { ReflectiveInjector } from '@angular/core';

let injector = ReflectiveInjector.resolveAndCreate([
  { provide: "Config",
    useValue: {
      'APIKey': 'XYZ1234ABC',
      'APISecret': '555-123-111'

let config = injector.get("Config");
console.log(config); // Object {APIKey: "XYZ1234ABC", APISecret: "555-123-111"}

If the intention however is to pass around read-only constant values then passing an object is a problem since any code in your application will be able to change properties on that object. What Config points to can’t be changed but the properties of Config can be changed.

So when passing in an object that you intend to be immutable (unchanging over time) then use the Object.freeze method to stop client code from being able to change the config object, like so:

Copylet injector = ReflectiveInjector.resolveAndCreate([
  { provide: "Config",
    useValue: Object.freeze({ (1)
      'APIKey': 'XYZ1234ABC',
      'APISecret': '555-123-111'
1 By using Object.freeze that objects values can’t be changed, in effect it’s read-only.


We can also configure a provider to call a function every time a token is requested, leaving it to the provider to figure out what to return, like so:

Copyimport { ReflectiveInjector } from '@angular/core';

class MandrillService {};
class SendGridService {};
const isProd = true;

let injector = ReflectiveInjector.resolveAndCreate([
    provide: "EmailService",
    useFactory: () => { (1)
      if (isProd) {
        return new MandrillService();
      } else {
        return new SendGridService();

let emailService1 = injector.get("EmailService");
console.log(emailService1); // MandrillService {}
1 When the injector resolves to this provider, it calls the useFactory function and returns whatever is returned by this function as the dependency.

Just like other providers the result of the call is cached. So even though we are using a factory and creating an instance with new ourselves calling injector.get(EmailService) again will still return the same instance of MandrillService that was created with the first call.

Copylet emailService1 = injector.get(EmailService);
let emailService2 = injector.get(EmailService);
console.log(emailService2 === emailService2); // true (1)
1 Returns the same instance


We can configure providers to return four different kinds of dependencies: classes, values, aliases and factories.

In the next lecture we will look at the different ways we can define tokens.


Listing 1. main.ts
Copyimport { Injector } from "@angular/core";

// Switching Dependencies Example
  console.log("Switching Dependencies Example");
  class MandrillService {}
  class SendGridService {}

  let injector = Injector.create([
    { provide: "EmailService", useClass: MandrillService, deps: [] }

  let emailService = injector.get("EmailService");
  console.log(emailService); // new MandrillService()

  let injector = Injector.create([
    { provide: "EmailService", useClass: SendGridService, deps: [] }

  let emailService = injector.get("EmailService");
  console.log(emailService); // new SendGridService()

// useClass Provider
  class EmailService {}
  class MandrillService extends EmailService {}
  class SendGridService extends EmailService {}

  let injector = Injector.create([
    { provide: EmailService, useClass: SendGridService, deps: [] }

  let emailService = injector.get(EmailService);

// useExisting
  class MandrillService {}
  class SendGridService {}
  class GenericEmailService {}

  let injector = Injector.create([
    { provide: GenericEmailService, useClass: GenericEmailService, deps: [] },
    { provide: MandrillService, useExisting: GenericEmailService, deps: [] },
    { provide: SendGridService, useExisting: GenericEmailService, deps: [] }

  let emailService1 = injector.get(SendGridService);
  console.log(emailService1); // GenericEmailService {}
  let emailService2 = injector.get(MandrillService);
  console.log(emailService2); // GenericEmailService {}
  let emailService3 = injector.get(GenericEmailService);
  console.log(emailService3); // GenericEmailService {}
    emailService1 === emailService2 && emailService2 === emailService3
  ); // true

// useValue
  let injector = Injector.create([
      provide: "Config",
      useValue: Object.freeze({
        APIKey: "XYZ1234ABC",
        APISecret: "555-123-111"
      //NOTE: Don't have to provide : deps[] here

  let config = injector.get("Config");
  console.log(config); // Object {APIKey: "XYZ1234ABC", APISecret: "555-123-111"}

// useFactory
  class MandrillService {}
  class SendGridService {}

  const isProd = true;

  let injector = Injector.create([
      provide: "EmailService",
      useFactory: () => {
        if (isProd) {
          return new MandrillService();
        } else {
          return new SendGridService();
      deps: []

  let emailService1 = injector.get("EmailService");
  console.log(emailService1); // MandrillService {}

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