#native_company# #native_desc#


Destructuring is a way of extracting values into variables from data stored in objects and arrays.

Object Destructuring

Let’s imagine we have an object like so:

const obj = {first: 'Asim', last: 'Hussain', age: 39 };

We want to extract the first and last properties into local variables, prior to ES6 we would have to write something like this:

const f = obj.first;
const l = obj.last;
console.log(f); // Asim
console.log(l); // Hussain

With destructing we can do so in one line, like so:

const {first: f, last: l} = obj;
console.log(f); // Asim
console.log(l); // Hussain

{first: f, last: l} describes a pattern, a set of rules for how we want to destructure an object.


const {first: f} = obj; translates to extract the property first and store in a constant called f.

If we wanted to extract the properties into variables with the same name we would write it like so:

const {first: first, last: last} = obj;
console.log(first); // Asim
console.log(last); // Hussain

The above is quite a common use case for destructuring so it has a shortcut, like so

// {prop} is short for {prop: prop}
const {first, last} = obj;
console.log(first); // Asim
console.log(last); // Hussain

Array Destructuring

Array destructuring works in a similar way except it extracts based of the index in the array, like so:

const arr = ['a', 'b'];
const [x, y] = arr;
console.log(x); // a
console.log(y); // b

Function Parameter Destructuring

One really useful use case for destructuring is in function parameters.

Typically if we want to pass multiple params to a function, with maybe some optional parameters, we would pass it in as an object like so:

function f(options) {
f({x:1}); // 1

Now we can define the function parameter list as an object destructure pattern, like so:

function f({x}) {
  console.log(x); // Refer to x directly

Notice that in the function body above we can refer to x directly, we don’t have to refer to it through an object property like options.x.

In addition to that when using destructured function parameters we can also provide default values, like so:

function f({x=0}) {
f({}); // 0

In the above example x now has a default value of 0 even if it’s not passed into the function when called.


Destructuring is a useful feature of ES6, with it we can extract values from objects and arrays with ease.

Through function parameter destructing we now have a built in syntax for providing optional parameters to functions, including giving them default values if none are provided.


Listing 1. main.ts
'use strict';

// Object Destructuring
const obj1 = {first: 'Asim', last: 'Hussain', age: 39};

function getObj() {
  return obj1;

const {first, last} = getObj();


// Array Destructuring
const arr = ['a', 'b'];
const [x, y] = arr;

// Function Parameter Destructuring
function func({x = 1}) {

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