#native_company# #native_desc#


As our application grows beyond one module then we need to deal with the issue of dependencies.


What is a dependency?

When module A in an application needs module B to run, then module B is a dependency of module A.

a b dependency

Realistically when writing applications we can’t get away from building numerous dependencies between parts of our code.

For example let’s imagine we have a class of EmailSender, like so:

class MailChimpService extends EmailService { }

class EmailSender {
  emailService: EmailService;

  constructor() {
    this.emailService = new MailChimpService("APIKEY12345678910");

  sendEmail(mail: Mail) {
emailSender = new EmailSender();

Whats wrong with the above code?


Hard to re-use in other configurations.

It hardcodes MailChimpService as the email service that actually sends the email.

How would you use this class if you wanted to use another email provider?

Hard to test

How can you test the above code?

Calling sendEmail(mail) sends a real email to a real email address using an external service we have no control over.

How do we test that calling sendEmail really sends an email?


Hard to maintain.

If we changed our API key we need to make sure it’s changed in every instance we’ve use the MailChimpService.

Even if we put the API key in a global config variable what if the MailChimpService changed how authentication happens and now it uses a username/password combination.

The above is described as tight coupling. The EmailSender class is said to be tightly coupled with the MailChimpService class. This makes the code inflexible, hard to test and brittle.

Now we can’t get away from the fact that the EmailSender class needs the MailChimpService class to function. MailChimpService is a dependency of EmailSender.

But we can change the above code so that it’s easy to reuse, easy to test and easier to maintain.

class MailChimpService extends EmailService { }

class EmailSender {
  emailService: EmailService;

  constructor(emailService: EmailService) { (1)
    this.emailService = emailService;

  sendEmail(mail: Mail) {
emailSender = new EmailSender(new MailChimpService());
1 The emailService is now passed into our class via the constructor.

Previously the EmailSender constructor was responsible for creating an instance of its dependency the MailChimpService.

Now something else is responsible for creating the instance of MailChimpService and then passing it into the EmailSender via its constructor.

So if we wanted to create an instance of the EmailSender class we now need to pass in all the required dependencies in the constructor.

The dependencies are now said to be decoupled from our EmailSender class, how does this help us with our 3 points:

Easier to re-use

We can re-use the EmailSender class but with a different email service.

For example if we wanted to use SendGridService instead of MailChimpService. As long as SendGridService still has a function with the signature sendEmai(mail) we can pass into the EmailSender constructor an instance of SendGridService instead of MailChimpService, like so:

emailSender = new EmailSender(new SendGridService());
Easier to test

Following on from the above we can now test our EmailSender class much easier.

We can pass in a dummy class which doesn’t actually send emails however does let us check to see if the sendEmail function was called, like so:

MockedEmailService extends EmailService {
  mailSent: boolean = false;

  sendEmail(mail: Mail) {
    this.mailSent = true;
let mockService = MockedEmailService()
emailSender = new EmailSender(mockService);
if (mockService.mailSent === true) { ... }
Easier to maintain

Since the EmailSender class is not responsible for creating concrete instances of the email service if, for instance, the MailChimpService required some new configuration then the EmailSender class isn’t affected.

As long as the MailChimpService implements the sendEmail function, how it’s constructed and functions internally is of no concern to the EmailSender class.

This idea of moving the responsibility of creating concrete instances of dependencies to something else is called Inversion of Control, or IoC.

The specific design pattern for implementing IoC above is called Dependency Injection, we injected the dependencies of EmailSender in the constructor.


Dependency injection is an important application design pattern it’s used not only in Angular but throughout software development as a whole.

Angular has its own dependency injection framework, and we really can’t build an Angular application without it. It’s used so widely that almost everyone just calls it DI.


The DI framework in Angular consists of 4 concepts working together:


This uniquely identifies something that we want injected. A dependency of our code.


The actual code we want injected.


This is a map between a token and a list of dependencies.


This is a function which when passed a token returns a dependency (or list of dependencies).


In this section you will learn:

  • How the Angular DI framework works under the covers.

  • What are injectors & child injectors.

  • What function do the @Inject and @Injectable decorators play in the DI framework.

  • What are the different types of dependencies we can inject in Angular.

  • How to configure DI in Angular with Angular module providers, component providers and component view providers.

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