#native_company# #native_desc#


To build a web application these days we need to make a number of calls to external HTTP APIs.

Angular comes with its own HTTP client library which we can use to make those calls.

In JavaScript making HTTP requests is an asynchronous operation. It just sends the HTTP request to the API and doesn’t wait for a response before continuing with the next line of code.

When the API responds milliseconds or seconds or minutes later then we get notified and we can start processing the response.

In Angular there are two ways of handling these asynchronous operations. We can use Promises which we covered in the lecture on TypeScript & ES6, or we can use Observables which we covered in the section on RxJS and Observables.

In this chapter you are going to learn:

  • How to setup your application to make HTTP Calls.

  • How to use the core HTTP APIs.

  • How to architect your application to use HTTP via Promises.

  • How to architect your application to use HTTP via Observables.

  • What is JSONP and how to architect your application to use JSONP via Observables.

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