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Wrapping Up

In this quick start section you created your first Angular Application!

You should now have at least a top-level view of what an Angular application is, how it functions and how to go about architecting it.

We covered:


How to use stackblitz.com to write Angular apps in a browser


Which let us extend the HTML language to create new tags and forms the basis of an Angular application.


How to actually make Angular load and take control of a HTML page.


String interpolation with {{ }} and both input property binding as well as output event binding.


How to render multiple elements using the built-in NgFor directive.

Data Modelling

We touched on data modelling, by creating our own Joke class which encapsulated all our data and logic relate to a joke.

Template Local Variables

Capturing user input from users by adding # variables to input controls.


We started to see how we go about building Angular apps by wiring together inputs and outputs in order to glue Components together.

We’ll be going into much more detail into each of these topics, and others, in future chapters.

However since Angular is based on TypeScript it makes sense to get a good understanding of those features before we dive into the rest of this course so that’s the topic of the next section.

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