#native_company# #native_desc#



  1. Fork the repository https://github.com/codecraftpro/ng-bookshelf-project on github into your own account.

  2. Clone it onto your computer.

    git clone [email protected]:codecraftpro/ng-bookshelf-project.git
  3. Checkout the master branch and use that as the starting point.

    git checkout master
  4. Follow the instructions in this video. This explains what I need you to create, where you are starting from and what the expectations are of the completed application.

  5. If you feel confident you can go ahead and attempt to complete the project yourself with no further hints.

  6. If you are stuck or want to validate your work as you go along then i’ve broken down the project into 8 steps with completed code, hints and code WalkThroughs.


Each step has:-

  • A video which explains what to build for that step.

  • A branch with the completed code for that step, which you can compare against your own attempt.

  • A video walk-through of me completing that step, which you can watch if you are stuck or if you want to validate the work you’ve done before you move to the next step.

  1. Services

    • The step-1 branch — is the completed code for step 1.

  2. Routing

    • The step-2 branch — is the completed code for step 2.

  3. Navigation

    • The step-3 branch — is the completed code for step 3.

  4. Searching

    • The step-4 branch — is the completed code for step 4.

  5. Pagination

    • The step-5 branch — is the completed code for step 5.

  6. BookList

    • The step-6 branch — is the completed code for step 6.

  7. Book

    • The step-7 branch — is the completed code for step 7.

  8. Library

    • The step-8 branch — is the completed code for step 8.

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